
Can You Combine Instagram Accounts

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How to Merge Instagram Accounts

September 30, 2020 by Lina S.

If you have two accounts on Instagram and are wondering if you could merge them, then you've come to the right place. Let's say you've spent a lot of time growing your audience in both your personal and professional accounts. However, now you're thinking of deactivating one of the accounts so that you have access to just one account instead of two or even three. So you may be asking yourself how to merge Instagram accounts. Is it possible to turn in multiple Instagram Accounts into one new Instagram Account?

Well, in this article, we will answer just that related question.

Is it possible to merge Instagram accounts?

Social media networking platforms like Facebook would allow you to merge two or even more different accounts into one. It would even allow you to merge your followers from one page to another. But regardless of Instagram being under Facebook and users looking to merge their Instagram Accounts just like their Facebook, Instagram hasn't been given this option. Thus, the simple answer to the question of; Instagram's multiple accounts merging possibility process is, unfortunately; No!

So far, Instagram has allowed creating multiple accounts from the same device, but merging seems to be out of the question now. No matter how many personal, business, or other accounts you have, merging different accounts into a single page is impossible. You can't transfer feeds, content, or data to a single account, and followers can't be merged into a single new Instagram Profile.

Combine your Instagram accounts

However, don't worry. If you want to merge two Instagram Accounts or more into one account, we have found two easy alternatives for you and your accounts. Instagram doesn't allow you to import or export any followers or content. But, if you want to create just one account to take control easily, here are two things that could be done to make this switch possible.

Option 1: Change The Username Instagram Account

Suppose you want to merge two accounts into one. You could change your account's username; you don't need to transfer content from one account to another. This is because the URL on Instagram is your username. So if you want to move the content and followers of an account to move to a new account just because you wish to switch the username, then here's the thing.

Instagram allows you to swap the username however many different times you want. So if you change the username, the corresponding URL will also get changed, and consequently, the way you've been presented on Google log search.

screenshot of how to merge with username

By doing this, you will not lose a single follower. You can also change the profile photo. Keep in mind that you might want to let everyone know that you have changed the username. Otherwise, your followers and users might end up thinking why they've followed someone they didn't intend or need to. As far as we know, Instagram settings will restrict how many times you would like to change the Instagram username. However, the settings on Instagram all rights reserved do allow a certain amount of Account name changes in a specific time frame and interval, not to confuse people.

Option 2: Manual Conversion Using A New Account

Presently to merge Two Instagram Accounts into a single profile, your best option would be to create a new account using your iPhone or Android Smartphone. By generating a new Instagram account, you could bring your personal and business accounts into one rather than manage multiple Instagram accounts.

To get this process done, you would need to put time and patience through every related step.

Step 1: Considering A New Instagram Account

To use or not use a single Instagram Account by creating a new account is one dynamic that you would have to closely consider and gauge before you set your mind on creating a new account. If you want to create a new account to merge your multiple Instagram accounts into a single account, you would have to manually repost and transfer your content from your many Instagram accounts.

To make this Instagram account transfer, you may either download your profile content's old posts and repost them to your new Instagram profile. Or use a third-party Instagram App to repost your old profile posts to another new account.

Whichever way you choose to add account posts to your new Instagram account, it would take time, and you would lose likes and comments from your followers made on the old original posts. Likes and Comments cant be transferred in a repost. However, using a new Instagram Account is your best way to merge your accounts and get the united social media presence you need on your Instagram Account.

In this way, it also doesn't matter how many different accounts you're trying to merge to get one business or personal profile. Whether you have two or 5 accounts that you want to switch to a single Instagram profile and account, it would be possible. It just varies in the time it takes to download old posts and add account posts, photos, and videos, to your newly made account log from the 5 accounts made and managed previously.

Step 2: To Create A New Account on Instagram

To create a new account on Instagram, you would have to follow the normal process on the Instagram App. However, It's advised to keep your old accounts private while you complete the new account's bio, posts, photos, and videos through your iPhone or Android Smartphone.

This way, you would avoid users becoming newly engaged people, and your post engagement wouldn't matter because you have silently just gone MIA on Social Media. You don't want the people engagement on your old accounts to grow and turn into followers, while you will need to delete the accounts later after your new Instagram is completed.

Step 3: Post Transfer; Old Instagram Accounts Posts To The New Account

As mentioned, there are two ways to transfer your Instagram posts to make a single account. Your first option is to schedule and organize to post each content to your log on Instagram exclusively and respectively. Or you could use a third-party app and use the right settings scroll to make your content published at different time intervals and through the app without your presence or having to tap or click the "Post" button to add content to your new account on Instagram.

Whichever way you choose, we don't necessarily advise uploading your newly made Instagram with old posts. You would want to take your time, post your menu of content one tap and click at a time into your Instagram. This way, you will get the necessary tap and likes from your previous people on your accounts and redirect and urge new and old followers to the newly made account one tap, like, and comment at a time, before you would have to delete your previous accounts.

Step 4: Followers Switch To The Newly Made Instagram Account Profile

The trickiest process to making the switch between different accounts to a single Instagram Account is getting your followers to follow the newly made account. If you create another account that supports your business better, you might have to convert your followers manually to add them to your newly made account.

To do this, you will have to make sure you follow and understand all the switch options for paid and organic techniques of gaining followers. However, this step is more challenging because you will be utterly dependent on your old followers to follow your new account on Instagram. There's a menu of several different things you could do to direct your followers to the right Instagram Account:

screenshot guide to tag your latest post for your new join account

  1. Since unfortunately, there's no way to merge two accounts. Once you create your new account, constantly start tagging your old account on all the content posts, hoping that your old followers will be urged to follow the new one as well, just like you need them to.
  2. You could also post a story or photos to your timeline log, asking your followers to follow your newly made account username. You could even add your new Instagram Profile name link to your posts so that they could tap and click on it to be guided to your new Instagram page.
  3. You may add the newly made account name to your old Instagram Account Bio and redirect followers to switch to the said Account by just a simple tap or a click of the Instagram account name.
  4. Tag your latest account to all your posts, Instagram Stories, and Photos. Let all your users know about the switch.
  5. You will also have to do some work with your old account, such as posting regular stories and content that lets everyone know about the brand-new account you have recently created.

Once you see that all the followers have followed your new account, you can go ahead and delete your old account. Now you know how to merge your Instagram accounts, and it's up to you to choose which option you need.

Can You Combine Instagram Accounts


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