
Google+ Invite Process Shut Down Amid ‘Insane Demand’

Google+ Invite Process Shut Down Amid 'Insane Demand'

A day after Google undraped its firebrand newly interpersonal networking service Google+, the company definite to explicit aweigh the invitation process late Wednesday afternoon to those lucky enough to have already been invited to participate in the service.

Antecedently, the keys to Google+ were exclusively held by those prime few World Health Organization had been allowed in at launch. Thus, an invite was a prized commodity. I was one of those lucky few thanks to Harry McCracken over at Technologizer. Hence I got an beforehand look at Google's new social network.

Gold boot begins, and ends

Google has masculine that Google+ is in its early stages. All the same, whatever Google was aiming for with its "field test" must have been successful, because as everyone who was invited in to the service is now able to invite other people in.

Even the second wave of invitees was able to invite friends to join the service.

Better yet, those composition or so the decision to open up the invitation process suddenly found themselves favorite with readers: TechCrunch's MG Siegler wrote on his Google+ page on his own story that "I'm not sure some TechCrunch post has gotten comments at such a fast pace." Of course you could debate the merits of posting your personal email address just for an invite to another social meshwork, merely I digress.

All this care essential have been a morsel more than Google bargained for. After about six hours, the company shut the invitation process downwards all over what Google's senior vice president of applied science, Vic Gundotra, known as "insane demand."

"We need to behave this carefully, and in a disciplined room," he posted to his Google+ page late Wednesday night. He did non specify when the invite functionality would return.

Quick national debut a surprise

Google+ Invite Process Shut Down Amid 'Insane Demand'
If you aren't one of the lucky few people in Google+, you may have to wait a while to get into.

The sudden coming-KO'd political party for Google+ shocked a few people. Some of the earlier invitees same that the look for behemoth was stressing to them to only invite those they knew. Swinging the gates wide open was something they weren't expecting.

Regardless, the manner Google is reverberant this out Crataegus laevigata be street smart. While the staggered invitation unconscious process may frustrate some, in some respects IT is creating its own buzz. Like the Gmail rollout, you need to know soul in monastic order to get in. It gives Google+ a feeling of exclusivity, and thus creates a desire past those non enclosed to "be in."

Will Google+ succeed long term? That's hard to pronounce. Just sure enough these first 48 hours have started the social networking "project" off on the rightmost foot.

For more tech news and comment, follow Ed along Twitter at @edoswald and on Facebook.


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