
Instagram Wont Let Me Tag

Instagram is one of the most popular social media apps out there, and it's been around for years. However, you may still encounter bugs and issues when using it.

When it comes to tagging another account in a post, there may be some technical problems stopping you from using the feature, but it is also possible that you are making a mistake. There might also be some issue with the account you are trying to tag.

This article discusses five issues that may stop you from tagging someone on Instagram—along with five potential fixes.

Mistakes You Might Be Making While Tagging Someone

Here is a list of five mistakes that you should check if you are not able to tag someone on Instagram.

1. Tagging With No Internet Connection

Start by checking your phone's internet connection. It is possible to browse Instagram offline since it stores previously loaded content. However, you will not be able to comment or mention anyone when offline.

Once you have confirmed that the internet is working correctly, you can check for other possible mistakes.

2. Tagging a Private Account

If you tag someone whose account is private, Instagram won't let you mention them in Stories, comments, posts, or anywhere else. You can avoid this by sending them a request, and if they accept, you can tag them.

3. Entering the Incorrect Spelling

Instagram usernames can differ from the actual account names. They can be complex and difficult to remember. If you can't tag someone you know who has accepted your request or whose account isn't private, recheck the username. It's possible that the person you're tagging has changed their username.

If you're finding it difficult to remember the spelling, open their profile and copy the username directly from there.

4. Not Adding "@"

Instagram requires users to add an "@" symbol before the username to tag someone. If you type the blank username, Instagram won't pick up the account to tag.

If you are writing the correct username and trying to tag someone who has accepted your request, don't forget this symbol.

In addition, if you want to tag more than one person, you'll have to add "@" separately for each account.

5. Tagging a Deactivated or Blocked Account

As soon as someone blocks you or deactivates their account, you will be unable to mention them in a post. Therefore, even if you are not making any of the mistakes listed above, you may still not be able to mention someone.

However, it's also possible that they have deactivated their account. Deleted or deactivated accounts cannot be tagged in new posts.

You can get a friend to check if the account still exists on the platform.

5 Fixes You Should Try If You Can't Tag Someone on Instagram

If you are sure that you're not making any of the above mistakes, try out these fixes. Hopefully they can resolve any issues you are having with the app.

1. Clearing Your Cache

It's a common misconception that clearing the cache will result in deleting your essential data. When you clear the cache, you remove old and junk files that the app does not need.

You can try clearing your cache once to see if that fixes the problem. If you have never cleared your cache, here's how to do it:

  1. Click on App Management in Settings. (Your phone's app manager might be called App Manager, Applications, Application Manager, etc, depending on your OS)
  2. Go to the App List.
  3. From the list of other apps, find Instagram.
  4. Go to the Storage usage option on Instagram.
  5. Click on Clear cache.

2. Updating the Instagram App

There is a possibility that you have not updated your Instagram app if any of the above fixes don't work. Go to your app store and update the app.

If the app hasn't yet been updated, you'll see an update option. If it's already updated, you won't have to do anything.

3. Logging Out and Logging Back In

Generally, logging out of Instagram accounts resolves Instagram issues like not showing a feed, not receiving notifications, etc.

Thus, even if your app is fully updated, try logging out of Instagram and then logging back in to see if that makes a difference.

4. Restarting Your Phone

Even though it may seem ridiculous, restarting your device usually resolves most app problems. Turning off your mobile phone stops nearly all backend operations.

Restarting the apps gives them a fresh start. Therefore, there is a possibility that this simple little trick will solve your problem.

5. Contact the Instagram Help Center

After trying everything, if you still cannot resolve the issue, you can reach out to the Instagram helpline on 650-543-4800 or via email at

If you are an influencer and have issues mentioning specific brands for promoted posts, you may have to get the brand's PR people to reach out to Instagram.

Others Rules to Know About Instagram Tagging

Here are a few other things you might want to know when it comes to tagging on Instagram.

Firstly, you are able to remove yourself from a post you were tagged in.

To do this, follow these steps:

  1. Go to the photo or video where you were tagged.
  2. Tap on your username.
  3. Tap Remove Me From Post.

You can also adjust the visibility settings for posts you're tagged in.

When someone mentions you on Instagram, it appears on your profile. If you change your visibility settings, you can control who can see that you are tagged.

Within the visibility settings, you'll find two options:

  • Public: Everyone on Instagram can see the images you are tagged in.
  • Private: Only a few selected followers can see it.

Solve the Instagram Mention Issue

You often see bugs in Instagram when you try to mention someone on an Instagram post or in a Story and Instagram doesn't pick up the username.

If you encounter such a problem, you should try out the above fixes to ensure there are no problems on your or the tagged person's end.

How to Reset or Change Your Instagram Password

If you feel like your Instagram password is at risk or you've simply forgotten it, this guide is for you.

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About The Author

Shan Abdul (83 Articles Published)

Shan Abdul is an engineering graduate. After completing his graduation and MS, he has started his career as a freelance writer. He writes about using different tools and software to help people to be more productive as a student or professional. In his spare time, he loves to watch Youtube videos on productivity.

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Instagram Wont Let Me Tag


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